
Capcom is committed to serving as a responsible and trusted member of society. In addition to continuing to promote employee diversity as and training, we utilize our popular game characters to contribute to community revitalization and crime prevention.

(*Edited from Integrated Report 2023)

Considerations in Game Development

In-game purchases

In the Japanese game market, discussions have been taking place for some time on the problem of gacha, or high-priced lottery-style game mechanics, primarily in mobile games. Overseas, gacha-like "loot boxes" have been banned in some countries.

As a creator of entertainment culture, Capcom believes that games should be enjoyed for the entertainment value they provide with gameplay, not for thrills associated with winning a lottery. We do not want to see games that are supposed to make people happy having the opposite effect as a result of excessive charges. For that reason, we are working to ensure that all users can enjoy our games fairly and safely. In principle, we minimize gacha elements in the mobile games we develop; in our home video games, we provide any content required to enjoy the full game free of charge, while offering some additional content at low cost.

Localization and culturalization

Capcom games are enjoyed worldwide. In the fiscal year ended March 2023, the percentage of home video games sold overseas was 80.3%. Naturally, translation (localization) of video games developed in Japanese is required so that game players around the world can enjoy them. The volume and importance of localization is increasing year after year due to factors such as improvements in game machine performance, support for online gameplay, and an increase in the number of languages accompanying a more diversified, global audience. As such, Capcom’s localization team is involved in game development from the initial stages.

By carrying out localization concurrently with development, rather than following completion of the Japanese language version as had been done in the past, Capcom is able to launch games simultaneously around the globe. What is more, depending on the country, simply translating games developed under Japanese norms can end up hurting users unexpectedly due to historical, religious, or cultural differences.

As such, we focus on employing staff from around the world to culturize the games so that they can be enjoyed by all, regardless of locale.

Healthy Development of Entertainment

Compliance with the CERO rating system and endorsement of guidelines

The Computer Entertainment Rating Organization (CERO), a Specified Nonprofit Corporation, was created to provide age-appropriate ratings for video games. Capcom complies with the CERO rating system and rules.

The rating system is an initiative for the healthy development of young people that calls for voluntary restrictions on home video game content and sales methods to limit access by young people to sexual or violent content. In addition, recent game platforms include a parental control function that enables parents to limit the online purchase and use of certain games according to their ratings.

Guidelines issued by the Computer Entertainment Suppliers’ Association (CESA)
Name of guideline Implementation date
Guidelines on blockchain games Enforced July 1, 2021
Guidelines for Real Money Trade Measures April 26, 2017
Guidelines for the Protection of Minors December 21, 2016
Revised March 27, 2019
Revised April 1, 2022
Operating Guidelines for Random Item Distribution in Network Games April 27, 2016
Guidelines for Advertisements, Etc. in Home Video Game Software Targeting Only Those 18 and Over April 1, 2008
Revised June 20, 2012
Code of Ethics Concerning Computer Entertainment Software, 2nd Revision October 1, 2002

Please refer to CESA’s website for information on its activities.

Addressing the WHO’s recognition of gaming disorder

In May 2019, the World Health Organization (WHO) included gaming disorder as a new mental health condition characterized by excessive use of games to the point where it has a negative impact on health and social life. In March 2023, the Gaming Disorder Research Study Group released the results of a study commissioned by industry organizations in response to social demand. We are taking the appropriate steps to raise awareness of the issue and are cooperating with industry organizations that promote further detailed analysis and discussions based on published papers. Additionally, as an independent effort, we will continue to educate elementary and junior high school students on how to interact with games in a healthy manner through our educational support program based on the results of the study.

Addressing addiction to pachinko and pachislo

Pachinko and pachislo are a form of entertainment that has taken root in society. At the same time, however, there is concern over players becoming addicted. For that reason, the Recovery Support Network (RSN), a pachinko addiction consultation hotline, was established in 2006 with the support of industry organizations. In addition to the launch of this free phone-based consultation service, various measures were implemented in the industry to prevent addiction. These measures included putting up posters at all locations nationwide to raise awareness of RSN, establishing a system in which pachinko and pachislo advisors (specialist staff) are stationed at each location to provide customers with appropriate information on addiction, and preparing guidelines for addressing addiction at pachinko parlors. In 2017, the Pachinko and Pachislo Industry Association for the 21st Century, which consists of 13 organizations from the amusement industry, announced the "Declaration on Pachinko and Pachislo Addiction," strengthening measures to address pachinko and pachislo addiction and declaring it as a top priority.

Capcom endorses and cooperates with these initiatives to contribute to healthy development of the industry.

Support for Community-building Among Senior Citizens

Holding regular amusement arcade tours

Today, amusement facilities are becoming increasingly popular among senior citizens as spaces for communication with friends and facility staff. Since 2012, Capcom has held amusement arcade tours free of charge on long public holidays and Respect-for-the-Aged Day for senior citizens where they can try out coin-operated games and crane games, enabling more people to make use of such facilities.

In addition, as part of efforts to create arcades where senior citizens can comfortably enjoy themselves, currently, 23 staff members have received Service Assistant certification.

  • Cumulative number of participants in senior tours

Enhancing Customer Support

User support and utilizing feedback

At Capcom, we have dedicated support teams for each product to ensure that customers can fully enjoy the services they purchase. We also strive to quickly respond to customer questions by providing online FAQ pages, while each person in charge regularly engages in information exchanges with other teams, working to improve customer satisfaction. The questions and feedback our game support teams receive are condensed and analyzed to be incorporated in development of new products.

Protecting the personal information of our customers

Capcom has more than 10 million records containing personal information on customers, accumulated from site memberships, prize deliveries, product purchases, and other sources. In 2015, the Japanese Act on the Protection of Personal Information was revised, and the revisions went into full effect on May 30, 2017.

Meanwhile, overseas, the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) went into effect in May 2018. The data of game players falls under the category of personal information in these laws, and the scope is expanding each year.

Under these circumstances, we established our new Information Management Department in April 2019 to enhance our information management structure and address the requirements of the Japanese Act on the Protection of Personal Information and the GDPR. This department is leading our efforts to address the risk of personal information leaks by developing a system of conduct guidelines, operational controls, and audits in accordance with the law.

In response to the unauthorized access of Capcom’s network in 2020, improvements were made to the security system to prevent recurrence. Additionally, based on the advice of the Security Oversight Committee, an external advisory body, we maintain and strengthen our information security system based on the PDCA cycle. This includes continuous system operation and monitoring and the establishment of a system for early response and recovery in the event of an emergency, such as the emergence of a cyber-attack or other security risk.

Expanding opportunities for customers to play games

In recent years, we have been focusing on promoting esports as part of our efforts as a creator of entertainment culture.

We have the role of planning and organizing events as a game manufacturer—a role that had been largely shouldered by the player community in the past—in order to provide an environment that better allows competitors and fans to enjoy the excitement of competitions.

Since 2013, we have held Capcom Cup to determine the top players in the world. We have also been working to provide amateur players with opportunities to shine, such as with the Street Fighter League: College-JP 2019 for students, in June 2019. Through these activities, we aim to increase points of contact with our customers and improve customer satisfaction. Further, we are steadily expanding our endeavors, such as by establishing our highest-ever annual prize pool of over 2 million dollars for CAPCOM Pro Tour 2023 to commemorate the release of Street Fighter 6, the latest title in the series. This initiative is intended to usher in a new era of competitive fighting eSports.