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A Message from Our CEO


We’re contributing to building a richer society by providing the world with the very best entertainment content

We’re contributing to building a richer society by providing the world with the very best entertainment content

Kenzo Tsujimoto
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

This year in 2023, the world is moving towards restoring a sense of normalcy in the economy and in our lives thanks to the diligent efforts of both the public and private sectors in addressing COVID-19; however, even today impacted areas remain. Moreover, the world is facing myriad troubles, including the situation in Ukraine as well as natural disasters. While entertainment is not an essential to living, we at Capcom are dedicated to helping solve societal issues, delivering the very best content to the world and providing people with the vitality to face the challenges of the day.

Capcom celebrated the 40th anniversary of its founding in June of this year. In recent years we designated the strengthening of our digital sales as our core growth strategy and tackled issues each as they came, never beholden to preconceptions. As a result of this, we have been able to globally deliver the highest ever sales volume of our ample catalog of game series, encompassing not only new title releases but also the content assets we have been built up over many long years. We are consistently providing nearly 300 different games to over 200 countries and regions worldwide.

As a result of working this way to meet the expectations of our stakeholders, Capcom has continuously delivered record-high earnings while growing its market capitalization each year. In addition to expectations for growth, I feel this is a result of an appreciation in the social significance placed on entertainment, given its vital role as a source of comfort and strength for people to continue forward in their lives.

The world population surpassed 8 billion people in the latter half of 2022, and it is said that there are 3 billion game players in the world. I imagine that as the digital transformation (DX) accelerates, there will come a time in which our standards for value, including our living environments and the way we perceive things, will also undergo a transformation. At Capcom, we are working to further bolster and spread the Capcom brand worldwide based on a firm understanding of the global sales trends of our content. When it comes to addressing new technologies and fields, we approach development with a long-term view of the environment that surrounds our business.

Capcom also possesses growth potential that exceeds the scope of games, as we are also expanding into major Hollywood motion pictures and esports, utilizing our original, globally popular game content as a springboard. Among the companies driving DX forward we aim to lead entertainment in the digital world. To achieve this, it is imperative that we be as adaptable to change as possible, fueled by the technology and wisdom we’ve accumulated, and guided by our motto of originality and ingenuity.

All of us at Capcom will continue to strive forward in building a corporate structure befitting the digital age.

We humbly ask our stakeholders for their continued support as we pursue the creation of new value.

June 2023

Kenzo Tsujimoto
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (CEO)