Stock Quote

Stock Transfer Procedures

This page contains information concerning the stock transfer agent, location for shareholder services and method for conducting procedures involving stock. The stock transfer agent administers the shareholders register on behalf of other companies. In addition, the stock transfer agent administers the stock acquisition rights register, performs tasks involving the meetings of shareholders, and handles all administrative tasks associated with stock. Another function of this agent is performing clerical procedures on behalf of other companies concerning stock registered in special accounts. In most cases, a trust bank or similar institution serves as the stock transfer agent.
The location for shareholder services is the location where various administrative procedures involving Capcom stock are actually performed. Please use the following contact information for questions concerning specific procedures, such as requests for the purchase of odd-lot shareholdings registered in the special account and the payment of dividends that have not been received.

Ordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting June of each year
Dividends on Retained Earnings Year-end Dividends: March 31
Interim Dividends: September 30
Number of Shares of One Unit 100 shares
Method of Public Notice

Electronic Public Notice
The Company shall describe public notice on the website( Provided, however, that in the event tha such public notice can not be made due to an accident or unavoidable reason, the public notice shall be given by publication in the Nihon Keizai Shimbun.

Transfer Agent Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation
Address Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation
Osaka Corporate Agency Div.
1-5, Doujimahama 1-chome, Kita-ku, Osaka 530-0004, Japan
Stock Exchange Listings Tokyo