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Analyst Consensus
Analyst Consensus
This page shows the consensus of securities analysts as compiled by IFIS Japan Limited. A consensus is the average of all forecasts by analysts for a particular company, calculated in accordance with the rules established by IFIS Japan Limited. Graphs and tables compare Capcom’s forecasts with the consensus of analysts. This information is presented with the permission of IFIS Japan.
Analyst Consensus for FY ending March 31, 2025
Average | High | Low | Capcom’s Forecast |
Net Sales (Millions of Yen) | 171,919 | 197,200 | 158,000 | 165,000 |
Operating Income (Millions of Yen) | 69,249 | 84,400 | 65,000 | 64,000 |
Net income attributable to owners of the parent (Millions of Yen) |
49,856 | 60,600 | 45,600 | 46,000 |
Earnings per Share (Yen) | 117.94 | 144.90 | 102.00 | 109.98 |
Target Price (Yen) | 3,786 | 4,250 | 2,900 | – |
- *Forecasts shown in the graph may differ from those of the table due to the data being aggregated at different times.
The information here is prepared by IFIS Japan Limited in a manner that we consider accurate and reliable. The information is subject to change without notice and cannot be guaranteed to be accurate, complete, timely as it could be intercepted, corrupted, destroyed or lost. The information is provided solely on informational purposes and we are not soliciting any action to buy, to sell for any financial product based upon it. Investment decisions must be made on investors own discretion and IFIS Japan Ltd. is not held liable, responsible for any direct and indirect losses, damages related to the information. All intellectual property rights and copyrights are reserved to IFIS Japan Ltd. and its information providers. The information must not be copied, duplicated, redistributed or quoted without prior written consent of IFIS Japan Ltd.
Analyst Ratings
Presented here are the investment ratings that securities analysts have established for Capcom. In general, these ratings are comparative evaluations that are based on whether or not a particular stock is expected to outperform a benchmark, such as TOPIX or an industry average, over a six to 12-month period. Since ratings are different for each securities company, please contact securities companies to obtain the precise definitions of their ratings.
Company | Analyst | Rating |
MST Financial Services PTY LTD | David Gibson | Outperform |
SMBC Nikko Securities Inc. | Eiji Maeda | 1 |
SBI SECURITIES Co., Ltd. | Satoshi Kurihara | 中立 |
OKASAN SECURITIES CO., LTD. | Masashi Morita | 中立 |
Goldman Sachs Japan Co., Ltd. | Minami Munakata | – |
Sanford C. Bernstein (Hong Kong) Limited | Robin Zhu | Outperform |
CLSA Securities Japan Co. Ltd | Jay Defibaugh | OUTPERFORM |
Jefferies Singapore Limited | Atul Goyal | BUY |
Daiwa Securities Co. Ltd. | Kazuki Sakaguchi | OUTPERFORM |
Tokai Tokyo Intelligence Laboratory Co., Ltd. | Soichiro Fukuda | Outperform |
Toyo Securities Co.,Ltd | Hideki Yasuda | BUY |
BofA Securities Japan Co., Ltd. | Yoshitaka Nagao | – |
Macquarie Capital Limited | Hiroshi Yamashina | Outperform |
Marusan Securities Co., Ltd. | Ryo Kawauchi | 買い |
Mizuho Securities Co., Ltd. | Takeshi Koyama | Buy |
Morningstar, Inc. | Kazunori Ito | – |
UBS Securities | Yijia Zhai | Buy |
Rakuten Securities, Inc. | Yasuo Imanaka | A |
(in no particular order)
1. This page shows our stock’s ratings in accordance with analysts’ valuations. The ratings indicated to Capcom’s common stock were interpreted by us for simple comparison purposes as those of the securities companies may differ.
2. This page is not an offer or a solicitation to buy or sell securities. These ratings are as of the date described above, please note that the ratings are changed without prior announcement.
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