Developer Interviews
What is Capcom’s philosophy on development? What is the source of its capabilities? Capcom’s PR team interviews developers and managers to get the story on how they bring our titles from concept to success.
Platinum Titles
This page lists our hit titles that have individually sold more than 1 million units and includes box art, videos, screenshots and more.
Game Series Sales
Here you can find information on cumulative unit sales for hit series such as Resident Evil and Monster Hunter.
Sound Making Movie
Monster Hunter: WorldIn-house developers utilize the world’s most advanced development equipment and technology to create games every day, aiming for world-class quality.(Only in Japanese)(as of Jul, 2018)
eSports Movement:
Street FighterAs Much Fun to Watch as it is to Play. The Spread of eSports and a New Horizon of Possibilities (Added Nov. 10, 2017)
Utilizing Popular Characters for Regional Growth
An introduction to our CSR efforts. See first-hand accounts of how Capcom works together with local governments. (Added March 30, 2017)