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Shareholder Return

These tables and graphs present information about shareholder returns such as dividends, acquisition of own shares over the past years. This page also contains information about the Capcom shareholder benefits program.

1. Dividend Policy

One of our management priorities is to share profits with all our shareholders. Our basic policy is to aim for a payout ratio of 30% while taking into account our financial condition and future business strategies, and going forward we will strive to provide stable and continuous dividends.

In terms of our shareholder return policy,

  • (1) Capcom will enhance its corporate value through investment and growth;
  • (2) the Company will aim for payout ratio of 30%, and going forward strive to provide stable and continuous dividends.
  • (3) we will raise earnings per share through share buybacks.

Our surplus dividend is basically paid twice a year, that is, at the end of mid-term and fiscal year. Dividend payment amount is decided by a competent corporate body, which is the board of directors for the mid-term, and during the shareholders meeting for the fiscal year.

2. Shareholder Benefits

Capcom does not currently offer shareholder benefits.
Our basic principle is to share our profits with our shareholders via dividends.
Also, for the sake of the majority overseas shareholders who are more likely to be unable to enjoy the benefits of a shareholders’ hospitality program, we do not have plans to implement such a program yet in order to be fair to all of our shareholders.

3. This Year’s Dividends

Cash dividends per share of the fisncal year ending March 31, 2024 is below:


2025/3 ( Forecast ) Dividends
1st Quarter-end
2nd Quarter-end 18.00
3rd Quarter-end
Year-end 18.00
Annual 36.00
    • * With an effective date of April 1, 2024, the Company performed a 2-for-1 split of its common stock. For dividends for the year ending March 31, 2025 (Forecast), the Company took the stock split into consideration.

4. Dividends and Payout Ratio

  • Dividends and Payout Ratio (historical data)


Dividends (Yen) Payout Ratio (%)
2025/3 ( Forecast ) 36.00 32.7
2024/3 70.00 33.7
2023/3 63.00 36.1
2022/3 46.00 30.2
2021/3 71.00 30.4
2020/3 45.00 30.1
2019/3 35.00 30.3
2018/3 60.00 30.0
2017/3 50.00 31.2
2016/3 40.00 29.0
2015/3 40.00 34.0
2014/3 40.00 65.5
2013/3 40.00 77.5
2012/3 40.00 34.5
2011/3 40.00 30.5
2010/3 35.00 98.0
2009/3 35.00 26.7
2008/3 30.00 22.6
    • * Effective April 1, 2018, Capcom implemented a stock split of two shares for every share.
    • * With an effective date of April 1, 2021, Capcom performed a 2-for-1 split of its common stock. For dividends for the year ended March 31, 2021, the above dividends paid were the actual amounts before the stock split.
    • * Regarding the year-end dividend for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024, please refer to the April 25, 2024 announcement "Revision of Full-Year Consolidated Earnings Forecast, Variances Between its Non-Consolidated Estimated Earnings and the Previous Fiscal Year’s Actual Results, and a Dividend Forecast Revision (Upward)".
    • * Breakdown of the year-end dividend for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2023: ordinary dividend: 30 yen, 40th anniversary commemorative dividend: 10 yen
    • * With an effective date of April 1, 2024, the Company performed a 2-for-1 split of its common stock.
      For dividends for the years ended March 31, 2023 and 2024, the above dividends paid were the actual amounts before the respective stock split.
      For dividends for the year ending March 31, 2025 (Forecast), the Company took the stock split into consideration.

5. Share Repurchases

Repurchase period Repurchase method Type of shares Number of shares Total cost
Oct. 1, 2002 through
Oct. 31, 2002
Purchase at Tokyo Stock Exchange Common stock 550,000 shares 1,363,994,000 yen
Nov. 21, 2002 through
Dec. 27, 2002
Purchase at Tokyo Stock Exchange Common stock 430,000 shares 933,085,900 yen
Jan. 23, 2003 through
Feb. 25, 2003
Purchase at Tokyo Stock Exchange Common stock 520,000 shares 758,690,900 yen
Jun. 10, 2004 through
Jun. 17, 2004
Purchase at Tokyo Stock Exchange Common stock 444,400 shares 534,159,400 yen
Nov. 22, 2004 through
Dec. 24, 2004
Purchase at Tokyo Stock Exchange Common stock 1,500,000 shares 1,474,044,300 yen
May 24, 2006 through
Jun. 8, 2006
Purchase at Tokyo Stock Exchange Common stock 1,000,000 shares 1,231,894,900 yen
Jun. 27, 2006 through
Jul. 21, 2006
Purchase at Tokyo Stock Exchange Common stock 1,500,000 shares 2,005,986,000 yen
Aug. 1, 2009 through
Aug. 31, 2009
Purchase at Tokyo Stock Exchange Common stock 1,471,900 shares 2,703,220,800 yen
Jan. 4, 2010 through
Jan. 29, 2010
Purchase at Tokyo Stock Exchange Common stock 1,502,700 shares 2,420,722,500 yen
Jun. 9, 2011 through
Jul. 20, 2011
Purchase at Tokyo Stock Exchange Common stock 1,500,000 shares 2,701,644,300 yen
Apr. 22, 2013 through
May 31, 2013
Purchase at Tokyo Stock Exchange Common stock 1,347,200 shares 2,281,065,100 yen
Aug. 26, 2016 through
Sep. 5, 2016
Purchase at Tokyo Stock Exchange Common stock 1,480,600 shares 3,299,875,500 yen
Oct. 30, 2018 through
Nov. 27, 2018
Tender Offer Common stock 2,737,100 shares 5,999,723,200 yen
May 16, 2022 through
Jun. 13, 2022
Tender Offer Common stock 4,387,353 shares 13,644,667,830 yen
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