- What is the company name derived from?
- It is derived from Capsule Computer.
Please refer to “Origin of Capcom Name” in “Corporate Philosophy” for more information. - When was Capcom founded?
- It was founded on June 11, 1983.
- What are Capcom’s business segments?
- Capcom has built a structure of “Single Content Multiple Usage” to maximize the profitability of single content within the group by adapting our game content to other entertainment businesses. Creating new hit titles will thus lead to increased profit in the Digital Contents as well as in others.
For details, please refer to “Business Segments.“ - What is Capcom’s competitive edge?
- Capcom’s strength is threefold.
- We have “long-lasting intellectual properties with universal market appeal” such as million-selling titles and popular brands like Resident Evil.
- We have an “advanced ability to develop original game content”. RE ENGINE supports the latest technologies such as VR, and it dramatically shortens the time required for each process in game development. Also, we have new R&D Building which is equipped with world-class development equipment and technology.
- We are working to further enhance management visualization as well as strengthen our organizational design to better allow our external directors to carry out oversight.
- When was the initial public offering of Capcom’s shares?
- It was offered over the counter in October 1990.
- When was Capcom’s stock listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange?
- It was listed in the first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange in October 2000.
- How do I get to the Capcom office?
- The map to the office is available in “Locations.“
- Is there a website for the Capcom Group?
- There is a link in “Capcom Group.“
- What is Capcom’s management policies and strategies?
- Please refer to “Management Strategy” and “Mid-Term Plan.“
- What is Capcom’s business goal?
- We aim for annual OP growth (of 10% or more), supported by a stably-built earnings foundation.
Please refer to “Mid-Term Plan.“ - What is your dividend policy?
- One of our management priorities is to provide stable and continuous dividends to all shareholders, taking into account our future business strategies as well as our management environment. Please refer to “Shareholder Return.“
- What is Capcom’s corporate governance?
- Please refer to “Governance.“
- How much does Capcom pay the directors as remuneration?
- Please refer to “Officer Remuneration” in “the Structure section” of the Governance page.
- Which firm is Capcom’s accounting auditor?
- We have appointed KPMG AZSA LLC as our accounting auditor, pursuant to resolutions of the ordinary general meeting of shareholders held on June 15, 2012.
- What are your 2Q FY2024 financial results?
During the six months ended September 30, 2024, sales in Capcom’s core Digital Contents business centered on new releases of existing titles and catalog sales of major titles released in previous fiscal years because contributions from a major new title are planned to be concentrated in the second half of the current fiscal year. The resulting sales volumes were 20.02 million units, which made solid progress toward achieving the full-year target and was in-line with plans, though represented a decrease compared to the same period of the previous fiscal year when Street Fighter 6 was released. Further, the company strove to enhance the brand of its intellectual properties by utilizing its major IP in film and television productions, licensed merchandise, and in its eSports business. It also worked to increase earnings with efficient operations of existing stores in Arcade Operations, as well as with the steady launch of a new smart pachislo machines in Amusement Equipments. As a result, Capcom remains on track to achieve its full-year earnings forecast.
The forecast for the consolidated business results for the current fiscal year ending March 31, 2025, remains the same as what was projected at the financial results announcement on May 9, 2024.
Financial information are stated in the “Business Performance” and “Quarterly Reports” sections.
- Where can I find the question and answer summary for the latest financial results presentation?
- The “Question and Answer Summary” for 2Q FY2024 Financial Results Presentation is available on the “Quarterly Reports” page.
- What is the outlook for FY2024?
For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2025, Capcom anticipates net sales of 165,000 million yen and operating income of 64,000 million yen, which would result in twelve consecutive years of operating income growth and eight consecutive years of record high profit at all levels.
For details, see our “Business Divisional Strategies and Projections” located on our “Quarterly Reports” page.
* The forecasts presented here are based on information that was available at the time of their announcement. Actual results may differ for a number of reasons.
- Where can the information of past performance financial results be found?
- They are available in the “Balance Sheets” and “Income Statements.“
- Where can the indicators such as Return on equity, Net worth radio, and Interest-bearing debt be found?
- They are found in the “Management Index“, “Segment Data” and “Financial Index.“
- What is the rating for bonds issued by Capcom?
- There are no convertible bonds rated at this time. Please refer to “Bonds” for more information.
- Where can I get documents of financial results presentations?
- Please download the file from “Quarterly Reports”.
- When does the fiscal year end?
- It ends on March 31.
- When will the next financial results be announced?
- Please refer to “IR Calendar.“
- How can I view the presentation for financial results?
- You can view webcasts of our financial results presentation.
Please refer to “Quarterly Reports” for details. - Where can I find information on market trends and Capcom’s market share?
- Please refer to “Integrated Report (Annual Report).“
- Which securities firms cover Capcom?
- Please refer to “Analysts’ Consensus.“
- What is the securities code for Capcom?
- It is 9697.
- What is the lot size of Capcom shares?
- One lot is 100 shares.
- When is the shareholders’ meeting held?
- The shareholders’ meeting will be held in mid-June. Please refer to the “IR Calendar” for other IR events.
- Are there any preferential services for shareholders?
- Capcom provides no preferential services for shareholders and treats all equally. Please refer to “Shareholder Return” in Stock & Debt.
- When is the record date for dividend payments?
- The year-end dividend record date is March 31, and the interim dividend record date is September 30.
- How much is Capcom’s annual dividend?
- Our annual dividend for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2025 is expected to be 36 yen.
For current and historical dividends, please refer to “Shareholder Return” in Stock & Debt. - How much treasury stock does Capcom hold?
- Capcom holds 53,394 thousand shares in treasury stock (as of March 31, 2024).
Regarding our share repurchases, please refer to “Shareholder Return“; for current and historical stock splits information, please refer to “Stock Splits.“ - Who are Capcom’s major shareholders?
- Our biggest shareholder is The Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trust Account). (Percentage of shareholding: 13.35%, as of March 31, 2024). Regarding other major shareholder information, please refer to “Stock Data.“
- What percentage of shares are held by foreign investors?
- The percentage of shares held by foreign investors (including institutions) is 37.04% (as of March 31, 2024). For other shareholders, please refer to “Breakdown by Investor Type” in “Stock Data.”
- Is it possible to visit the company for a tour?
- We are sorry to say that we do not arrange on-site tours for visitors to the company.
For our educational support activities, please refer to “Educational Support Activities.“ - Are there any apps for Capcom’s IR data?
- Our IR App will keep you up-to-date with the latest developments – from the latest share price and press releases to financial results and our document library on the go. Please refer to “Capcom Investor Relations App.“
- How can I get the latest company information and/or press releases?
- Please register for “E-mail Alerts.“
Once you register your e-mail address, you will receive e-mails in the future whenever we update our website. - What were the sales results of “Resident Evil” and “Monster Hunter“?
- Please refer to “Game Series Sales” for each title’s sales result.
- What are the annual sales volume and unit sales trend of your consumer games?
- Please refer to “Consumer Business Sales Volume.“
- Tell us about Capcom’s ESG to fulfill corporate social responsibility.
- As a home video games company, we conduct awareness campaigns to promote the proper understanding of home video game by providing educational support to students and through social education. For details, please refer to “Sustainability.”
For all support inquiries related to Capcom, please visit the Contact Page.
January 29, 20253Q FY2024 Financial Results Announcement
December 23, 2024-January 28, 2025Quiet Period
November 15, 2024Cash Dividend Disbursement (Plan)
- Integrated Report
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