• May 13, 2011
  • Press Release
  • Company Name : Capcom Co., Ltd.
    Representative: Haruhiro Tsujimoto, President and COO
    (Company Code: 9697 Tokyo-Osaka Stock Exchange)
    Contact: Public Relations and Investor Relations Office
    Phone Number: +81-6-6920-3623

Report Concerning Assistance for Victims of the Tohoku Earthquake and Affected Communities

Capcom Co., Ltd. (Capcom) is deeply saddened by the widespread loss of life caused by the earthquake that struck the Tohoku region of Japan on March 11, 2011 and extends condolences to everyone who has been affected by this tragic event.

To assist individuals and communities in the region that was damaged by the earthquake, Capcom made donations, conducted a donation program through the mobile version of “Street Fighter IV” and took other actions.

We are very grateful for the support and cooperation of people around the world for this donation program. Donations that have been made are listed below.

Capcom hopes that these donations may contribute to help provide the greatest possible amount of assistance to the earthquake victims. Furthermore, we wish the restoration activities in the damaged areas progress as quickly as possible.

Capcom is firmly dedicated to supporting earthquake relief efforts. At the same time, we believe that continuing to focus all our energy on business operations is our primary obligation as a Japanese company.

1. Donations
 (1) Direct donation from Capcom:  100 million yen
 (2) “Street Fighter IV”
     Total sales during the donation program period (approximate):   41 million yen (JPY 82/USD 1)

2. All donations were deposited to the disaster relief fund account of local governments

3. Dates of donations
 (1) 1-(1): March 28, 2011
 (2) 1-(2): Donation will be made as soon as the total sales amount is accurately ascertained.