
Shareholders and investors have made the practical and effective functioning of internal control into a key issue amidst an epidemic of corporate misconduct in Japan and overseas.

In this section, Capcom will explain the corporate governance structure and mechanisms that it has initiated so far based on the key concepts of “effectiveness and visibility” in terms of the results of third party assessment.

Basic Views on Corporate Governance

Based on our "Corporate Philosophy" (hereinbelow defined), and utilizing "the Company’s strengths" (hereinbelow defined), the Capcom Group (hereinafter referred to as the "Company" (including its subsidiaries and affiliates)) endeavors to build a system that is able to respond to climate change and to continuously enhance its corporate governance, in addition to improving the transparency and soundness of management, in order to achieve stable medium- to long-term growth and raise corporate value through its business activities.

In addition, the company strives to build relationships of mutual trust with our shareholders, customers, business partners, employees, regional communities, and other stakeholders for mutual prosperity, and have built on these principles to formulate the "Capcom Corporate Governance Guidelines" which encapsulate the Company’s basic view on corporate governance and its policy for initiatives.

Corporate philosophy

To be a "Creator of entertainment culture that stimulates your senses" through entertainment in the form of games that move and excite people

The Company’s strengths

  • · A financial base for making proactive strategic investments attributable to a stable cash position and improved capital efficiency
  • · Production of content (IP) that is supported worldwide and multifaceted activities thanks to our unique, high-level technological and developmental capabilities
  • · A global, long-term sales system based on a digital strategy for further increasing profits
  • Capcom Corporate Governance Guidelines (June 21, 2024)


Corporate Governance Report

  • Corporate Governance Report (June 21, 2024)


Corporate Governance Structure and Initiatives

Capcom is aware that comprehensive corporate governance ranks among management’s most important priorities. Because of this, in addition to enhancing management soundness and transparency, by building a trusting relationship with our stakeholders, such as shareholders, business partners, employees and regional society, we are increasing corporate value.