
【Street Fighter V feat. CAP-JAMS(カプチューン)】Collab: Commemoration Page~コラボ記念ページ!~

On March 29th we had an update for Street Fighter V.
With this update the songs made by CAP-JAMS are also available for everyone to listen!
To commemorate this special collab we interviewed the members from CAP-JAMS, and we also got a message from the Audio Director Tsujino who will be sharing some of his thoughts while making the new versions.


Here is the message from Tsujino Audio Director!

▲サウンドディレクター辻野さん(Tsujino Audio Director)
今回のシーズン5では、結構演出や楽曲に遊び心を持たせています。格闘ゲームにおける気持ちよさ。打撃、ボイス、疾走感、爽快感のあるBGM、シーズン4までのSFVの最高のサウンドにプラスアルファ遊び心を!完成されたものに+αてなかなか大変なんですよ(笑)。今回のBGMのコンセプトって「踊れるtraditional(伝統的)」なんですね。FUNKにROCK、HIPHOPにHARDROCKにBLUES、JAZZまで。どこか「正統派」なサウンドが散りばめられています。それがアノ年代のアノシンセ音だったり、憧れのギタリストのアノフレーズだったりと曲によって様々です。それが私のtraditionalの解釈ですね。懐かしさも散りばめつつ、SFVの音である。中々難しい壁もありましたが。私自身めちゃくちゃ気に入ってます。効果音も負けてません!SEにボイスに。こんなとこまで音ついてるの? あーこのタイミングでこのボイス言いそう!ちょっとしたことに大きなこだわりを持って作られています! 是非色んな視点で遊んでみてください!あとは普通にパーティとかで曲をかけてみてください!
This time in Season 5 the music production approach was really playful and full of different styles. The BGM had a feeling of rush and power through the vocals and lots of punchy hits. It made the already great sounding Season 4 BGM even better with this fresh air. It was difficult to add something to a piece of music that was already complete (chuckles). This time the focus was on more dancing oriented traditional styles. We took a lot of inspiration from funk, rock, hip hop, blues, and jazz to create the core of our style. The sound is studded with some more orthodox approaches as well. Depending on the song we sprinkled some little details that had a lot of flavors, such as old-style piano textures to get the correct vibes, or just “that guitar phrase” from other songs that just felt right. This was my interpretation of a more “traditional sound”. It is SFV with some nostalgia feels. Of course, we hit some walls on the way there, but I really liked what we finally delivered. The sound effects were amazing as well! We spent a lot of time making the SFX and the voices. I think most people will wonder “did they actually put sounds to this?” or just think “this voice line feels great at this timing”. There are a lot of layers of little efforts and focus on tiny details that became a great experience! I hope you can experience it as well from various perspectives. Of course, feel free to vibe to the songs when you go to a party or just listening to music with friends too!

Next, the messages from all the other CAP-JAMS members.

いつもながら鍵盤全般やらせて頂きました! この度は多くのユーザーさまからご要望を頂きまして、インゲーム実装することができました!感無量でございます! 特に「あきら」に関しては個人的に大好きなR&Bとネオソウルのハーモニーを施してバイク乗りもイメージした疾走感あるアレンジにしてみました!今回も多くのサウンドメンバーが参加し、色合い溢れる楽曲群になったと思います!是非カプチューンアレンジでのプレイを楽しんで頂けましたら幸いです!
As always, I was in charge of keyboard and piano parts. I am truly grateful since thanks to all your support and requests we got to implement our versions in the game! It’s just incredible, your comments give us more motivation to keep giving our best. In “AKIRA” I tried to make a speedier arrange with some R&B and Neo-Soul textures that are genres that I love. A lot of the sound members were involved in the making of these arrangements, it’s a palette of songs with a lot of colors! I hope you keep enjoying all the arrangements we are making with CAP-JAMS!
いつもお世話になっております!そして楽曲ご視聴頂きありがとうございます!インゲーム実装することができたのは、多くのユーザーさまからの応援とご要望があったおかげでございます! 今企画は全曲全ジャンルは流石!と言えるほどバラエティに富んだ編曲の数々でして、レコーディング当日はヒヤヒヤものでしたが完成してしまえばなんのその。最高な火力!の一言に尽きます。ドラムセット自体にも俗に言う拘りってやつがありまして、プログレなどで使用されるオクタバンという太鼓を多用しています。昨今コストパフォーマンスが叫ばれる世の中ではございますが、そんなコスパを気にしないゲーム音楽の楽しみ方があってもイイのではないでしょうか!是非お楽しみ頂けると幸いです!
Thank you all for listening the songs! The fact we were able to implement the songs into the game is only because of you, without all your support this would not be possible. As expected from the team, there were a lot of genres and styles to play. Maybe as many that I was a little worried the day of the recordings, but in the end, we managed to have so much variety in the arrangements and the music that I felt like burning myself through the music when I got to listen the final mix. In one word, it’s just pure fire (laughs). The drum set was a standard one with an Octaban that’s widely used in progressive rock. Nowadays there is this rule of cost vs performance where everything must be optimized. However, I feel that in games we are having fun, so it’s better to just not think too much and cost/performance and just have some fun. I hope you keep enjoying our music as much as we do.
I was in charge of arranging “ROSE” and “AKIRA”. In particular “AKIRA” was an interesting song to make. At the beginning, I chopped the original song from Mr. Miyata to sketch the overall composition. Then we first recorded only the drums based on Mr. Nakayama’s sense. Then we used the chopped parts with the recorded drums to envision the overall feeling. Once we had an idea, we presented the idea to Mr. Okada to start reharmonizing the chords. After deciding the chord progression, we told the other members to play their parts adding their own phrases while still preserving the original song’s feel. It was an interesting challenge. Please try to imagine that next time you listen to it.
I was in charge of “DAN” and “LUKE” arrangements, also I played the Aerophone in “AKIRA”. Playing the aerophone feels like playing with a controller, so I couldn’t help myself to think “wait, can I actually practice my instrument while practicing for the game? This is the best!” (laughs). Some days ago, I managed to reach Grand Master thanks to that! I hope to fight you on a match soon!
I played the drums in “DAN”. While working I mostly am making sound effects or just doing sound design in general, so I am really grateful that I had this chance to be part of the Street Fighter arrangements. It’s been an honor. Keep having fun with the game and stay tuned for CAP-JAMS new stuff.
I had the opportunity to play percussions for “ORO” this time. Originally, I was involved in the original “ORO” making so I was really happy when I got the chance to also be part of the re-arrangement for CAP-JAMS. The original version had this chill like feeling but also it had this warm analogue feeling with the instrumentation. Somehow it ended up becoming an opposite approach to what it was but in simple words I just enjoyed too much challenging myself to come up with new ideas for this version. Thank you!
Same as Miyata-san I played percussions for the arrangements. Since I had to play a lot of parts during the recording the muscle pain after the recordings was a nightmare (laughs). We put a lot of effort to enhance the punchiness and unique style that CAP-JAMS must have. I hope you enjoy it while playing the game.
I played the synths for “AKIRA”. Normally I use to play the keyboard in front of a screen, so I had a great time playing with all the members in a different stage for a change. I did a lot of eerie textures and shimmering sounds in “AKIRA”. Next time you hear the song try to focus on them and be sure to listen to those little details!
I played keyboards on “ORO” and “AKIRA”. My work is mostly focused on sound programming, so I was really excited to have a part in the making of such amazing contents. Please enjoy the sound we managed to achieve with CAP-JAMS.
I played the guitar for “ROSE”, “ORO” and “AKIRA” arrangements. As a sound designer, most of the time I am working making monster sounds or putting sounds to the cutscenes for the games, because of that I rarely get involved in the making of music pieces. However, this time I had the honor of playing the guitar and putting my own style in the Street Fighter series. I am proud and grateful for this opportunity. In “ROSE” I played a phrase using the slide to create some contrast in the stereo field while using a twin guitar. In the middle section of “AKIRA” I tried to show my pride as a guitarist using some cool harmonics, but I ended up screwing up everywhere (laughs). Maybe if you listen carefully, you will notice some of those little details in the mix. The songs were really fun to make so please take your time to enjoy them.
I played the bass for “ROSE”, “ORO”, “AKIRA” and “LUKE”. Having so many styles and so many different arrangements for the songs was a crazy fun experience. Especially in “LUKE”, I had tons of fun making bass slaps all around and thinking of catchy phrases. I think that the arrangement also fits Luke’s personality in game too (laughs). Please enjoy the other songs as well.
played guitar in every song! Also, I made most of the arrangements for the guitar parts. Of course, I considered all the suggestions from the other members since I wanted to respect their own personality through the songs. For “ORO” I had the opportunity to play acoustic guitar for the first time with CAP-JAMS! I hope you enjoy that difference in sound, it was a different take of what we always do. Street Fighter and CAP-JAMS both have such a unique sound that creates an identity. “Game sound” can only be completed with the combination of all parts, such as sound effects, music, dialogues and of course all the programming and technical parts. It was a team effort. Please enjoy this new taste of the songs you like made by the staff that always is getting those “funny sounds” in the game. I also want to thank the SFV staff for giving us the opportunity to make this possible, and all the sound managers for all the support and patience. And more than everything, thanks to you, without all our fans this wouldn’t be possible. Please keep supporting CAP-JAMS!
この楽曲たちをバンドアレンジに落とし込むって、ホント挑戦的であり、凄いメンバーが集まったもんだなと、手前味噌ですが…思います。カナリええ感じです!皆様の要望通り、ゲームでも遊べるようにしました! 是非是非皆様楽しんでください!そしてストリートファイターはまだまだ進化していきます!カプチューンも色んなところに出没します!是非是非、「音量大」でプレイしてみてください。(周囲のご迷惑にならないように…)
Putting all those songs into a band arrangement was really challenging but it was a great opportunity to gather all the members and have fun while making music. I don’t want to brag or anything but, it’s just… great (chuckles). Also, as you all requested, we also made it to get the songs into the game. By all means, enjoy the arrangements and have a great time while playing the game. Street Fighter keeps evolving and CAP-JAMS will not get behind! Next time you play just turn that volume knob up! (As long as you don’t disturb others though)

【Street Fighter V feat. CAP-JAMS(カプチューン)】
Please enjoy the arranged versions and check out the music video!