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HOME > Screen Setup / HUD > Item Information

Item Information

Item Information

The information displayed in the bottom left of the screen pertains to your items. Displayed in the shape of the directional keys of your controllerdirectional pad of your controller1,2,3,X, each item is assigned to a different direction.

Vision Ability

If your character can use vision abilities, you can toggle them on/off by pressing up on thedirectional keysdirectional padX.


Displays the number and type of grenades that you have equipped. Toggle the type of grenade by pressing right on thedirectional keysdirectional pad1.

Antiviral Spray

Displays the number of Antiviral Sprays that you are carrying. Use by pressing down on the directional keysdirectional pad2.

First Aid Spray

Displays the number of First Aid sprays that you are carrying. Use by pressing left on the directional keysdirectional pad3.